TvP bunker FE guide

Author: WolFix

TvP bunker FE guide

This is THE entry point for every early factory terran build in TvP. Every terran should master this opening.


In the old guide I was saying that I'm rushing 12 nex even on cross spawn. That was true at the time, but isn't anymore (for the most part). To be fair I'm only rushing 12 nexus if it is 1st scout close spawn. I just find vulture rush good enough in other situations. You can read details on this topic later in the guide.

Some of the concepts there will be advanced and I will mark them like that: Optimization. New players don't have to do it. It adds another layer of complexity and may harm someone inexperienced trying to execute the idea. I'd encourage players on B+ level start doing that if they feel they can handle their builds properly already.

In this guide I assume you scout in circular way. I don't do N scout. I don't like the fact that in case of him being cross I get to him at the later timing than usual (circular full map scout is faster than N scout).

What is the idea behind bunker fe?
You want fastest possible CC while still being able to punish 12 nex.

What's the most optimal economical play while doing any factory expand:
It would be 1 marine CC at 19-20 supply (tvt-like), but obviously we cannot really always do it because of practical reasons which are:
- we don't know whether P will go for zealot agression
- we don't know whether P is going for 12 nex
- in both of these cases you want more marines. In case of zealot openings you also want 3rd supply before CC.

With knowledge above:
- the most optimal practical build we can do is blind 3 marines + vulture. Cut at 24/26 supply into cc -> supply -> scv (25/26) -> machine shop
- the above is assuming he plays standard (21/23/rangeless nex)

Everything depends on scouting.
- every example assumes 13/18 scout - the most standard timing. We do this because we want to be able to decide whether to make 3rd depo in case they are close spawn and went 12 nexus so we can keep our production of vultures marines and scvs up. This is also economical scout because we have 9 scvs on minerals, and on most maps there are 9 mineral patches to mine.
- I will write this keeping 4 players maps in mind. 3 players map use similar concept. 2 players map you will usually meet some sort of cheesy plays from P so it may differ a lot and require its whole own guide.

You find him on 1st position and see...

  • 12 nex = you rush it. Rush 12 Nexus scv pull Guide
  • forward gate = constant marine production, 3rd depo right when you can afford it and vulture asap, try to put down bunker in your nat when your vult is out. With bunker up don't make more than 4 marines. Put down CC ASAP when you can afford it. Do it BEFORE 4th supply. Cut scvs if needed.
    (- if none of that then stay on top of his gateway and look for a zealot coming out of it around 2:40)
  • 2:40 zealot aka 14 zealot aka zealot after core: the safest is to go for bunker + 2 marines + vult 1st, cc before 3rd supp. cut scvs on ~24cc, 24 depo. He also cuts 1 probe for this so there is no problem + your vulture is a threat. Make more marines after cc, depo, scv and shop shop because he may choose to run by your bunker if you only stop on 2.
  • complete standard play which is goon 3:10-3:15 = you play your own standard. You may try to get out of his base at ~3:05 to save your scv. Come back around 3:30 to confirm that there is a nexus building.

You can stay at his base with your scv to see goon coming out of the gate. Then lure his goon fyourther into his main. If he chases yoyour scv with his goon then just throw down cc on 1 marine WITHOUT the bunker. If you lure his goon long enough you will be able to fit cc, 3rd depo and vult before bunker. Rush distance for a goon on poly is around 25-30 so react accordingly. If he doesn't chase you - keep making marines and play standard. If you can pull it off then you are in a very good spot because remember that CC not only allows you to build scvs faster, but also grants 10 supply, which means that your depo can be delayed and everything is accelerated because of that.

He is not on the 1st scouted position and you are going to the second position:

  • you need to make a decision there. You risk him going 12 nex and go for bunker + 2 marines to be completely safe from 2:40 zealot or you go for 3 marines and you will combat the potential zealot with marines. If you choose to make a bunker it should start around 2:50-2:55 to be ready vs zealot.
  • I myself prefer to just keep pumping marines, because I don't want to end up with a bunker before cc vs 12 nex.
  • you will arrive at 2nd location before the goon is out, but you wont be able to spot 2:40 zealot so you can't really tell whether it is coming (2:40 zealot doesn't delay goon timing). You have to be ready for it and you can't just put down cc with 2 marines without the bunker (unless you wanna gamble/metagame your opponent then go ahead).
    If u see...
  • 12 nex: make your vulture asap and try to snipe 1-2 probes and force a pull. You may try to stay with your scouting scv in his main and try to make him chase it so he won't go straight to his nat to prepare vs vulture. DON'T lose your vulture tho. It's important to keep him alive for mines.
  • forward gate = keep marine production up, 3rd depo before cc, wait for vultures and try to retake your natural with ~4 marines, vulture and 3-4 scvs, make a bunker and a cc. Id only go 1 vulture usually (I prefer faster machine shop for mines), but if you feel like your micro is not on point you can make 2nd one.

If he is at this position then it will be cross spawn which gives you a little bit more time (like 5-8 seconds) before you have to place a bunker vs goon (if hes not chasing your scv for example, but he should coz you technically cannot greed on 1 marine anymore and good player will know that). In general - try to delay your bunker as much as u can. Sometimes it is even possible to not make bunker at all because he won't even go to you. This is often true when they go rangless nexus (nexus at 3:00 after cyber core and no range for goons).

He is not at the 2nd location:

  • well, he can do variety of things and you wont be able to determine anything useful before you can make an impactful decision, but standard rules apply: 3 marines + vult, then cc, then depo, then bunker
  • the most important thing is to determine whether he went 12 nex.
  • if you spot 12 nexus, in my opinion you have 2 options:
    1) Run into his main base and look at the amount of gateways, if there only 1 - you can rush it. Place 3rd supply instead of CC, stop scv production (until 3rd depo is done), start producing marines again and make machine shop after vulture. The reason for all this is that you will be at his nat around 3:30 and at ~24/26 without 3rd supply building (coz you were saving for the CC). This is quite rare though, usually P knowing that T is close to him will make 2 gateways and 2 or even 3 zealots. Good player will try to scout whether you are attacking and base his zealot number on that.
    2) The other option is that you see 2 gateways. You probably wont be able to rush it since you cannot make 2nd vulture to reinforce the attack (remember you are at 24/26 at this point). In this case just place cc and run with your vult asap into his nat. If you can snipe around 2 probes you can be somewhat even in this game. Don't lose your vulture tho. If he reacts right away and pull his probes to his main - great, it is already some damage. Basically kill as many probes as you can without losing your vulture. Delay your bunker as much as you can. Scouting with the vulture will let you know when to put it down. If he wont attack you until mines are finished you can maybe not need it at all. If you managed to kill 1-2 probes + saved these 100 minerals which you didnt spend on a bunker you are pretty much even.

This is where mineral boosting comes into play. This exact moment where they went 12 nexus and you are close spot, but scouted him last. If you boost very well or at least send your scvs to the right patches at the beginning of the game you can squeeze factory in 2:26 to 3:00 and you can have your vulture in his nat these few seconds quicker often giving you one or two more probe kills. Ill make a guide for how to mine and boost as T and it will be posted here: TBD.

Important points:

  • 2 scvs build time is almost the same as depo build time (thats why we are starting with depo on 24/26 and not scv, becasue we will be supply blocked anyway if we start with scv, but on top of that we wont be able to build from rax/fact as well).
  • if you have 3 marines + vult you need to be aware of 2nd goon timing which is ~3:45 (in your base around if he chooses so 4:10 - unlikely because 2nd goon usually stays in base coz of the vulture threat, but still. They MAY do that.). You can hold 1 goon with this force, but not two (especially because your vulture should be on the map already. Don't be late with the bunker or you will lose quickly.
  • don't try to go in into his base with your vult when he plays standard. Keep it around on the map. Make him hold his goons in his base. If he is greedy and harasses your bunker even tho he knows you have a vult on a map you can place mines behind his goon and then push them into these mines with marines + tank.
  • sometimes they want to be sneaky with their 2:40 zealot and they wait for a goon before going in. This may be a little bit problematic if you didnt scout him at 1st position and you think only 1 goon is going at you so you think you can defend with 3rines + vult. You need to retreat and start producing marines, take 3-4 scvs and fight him back with these 3rines+vult and try to place a bunker. All of this while not forgetting about 3rd depo and microing properly.

Special thanks to Worst for helping to improve the structure of this guide <3 (Although I ignored many of his points so it could probably look much better lol)