[PvT] 2z1g build explanation

Author: DoodleDoodle

The long awaited 2z1g of doom build is finally here. The goal of this build is to put pressure early on and expand before the opponent. If terran doesn’t take good care of their marines, you can do severe amount of damage and even win the game sometimes. In this guide, we’ll transition to our favourite game state (nexus – robo – gate – obs to set up for scouting and 3rd).

There are 2 versions of 2 zealot 1 goon build. First one makes probe nonstop and as a result your next zealot or goon is delayed. This version’s basic build order will look like this: 8 pylon – 10 gate – 12 pylon – 13 zealot – 16 gas – 17 2nd zealot - 20 core – 21 pylon – goon when the core is finished. Or you can get your core first before making the 2nd zealot. If you make 2nd zealot first, your goon is delayed and your zealots are left vulnerable when the first vulture is out. If you make the cyber core first, your 2nd zealot is delayed and your 2 zealot pressure won’t have much window left to attack.

The second version prioritizes getting your zealot and goons on time to make your pressure stronger, but you will have 1.5 to 2 less probes than the other version. This version is what we’re going to use for this guide. To optimize your attack timing, it’s recommended to make your gateway at your nat or as close as possible to your main entrance. Here is the basic build order:

  • 8 pylon
  • 10 gateway and with this probe, scout the cross position first.
  • 12 gas
  • 13 zealot and cut probe here
  • 15 core
  • 15 pylon
  • 15 zealot
  • Make goon when the core and pylon is done. Resume probe production.
  • 21 goon range and cut probe
  • 22 goon
  • 24 pylon and resume probe
  • After 3 goons, take the nat. Your 1 gate should keep making goon nonstop.
  • Around 30 supplies (assuming you lost both zealots and kept all goons alive), make robo.
  • Around 33 supplies (you should have 4 goons out and the 5th being made), add a gateway or even two if you want to play safe.

From here on, things should look pretty similar to the game state described in the 23 nexus guide; you got your nat, robo/obs and 2-3 gateways. You can start setting up for your 3rd or get tech instead. One thing you need to keep in mind is that you delayed your own econ to put pressure early on. That means your 3rd timing and pretty much everything else that comes after will be late if you compare the timing to 23 nexus build. For example.23 nex build would be setting up for the third between 6:00 and 6:30 if things went smoothly. With 2z1g build, you will be getting your 3rd around 7:00~7:30. Don’t freak out because your 3rd wasn’t started at 6 minute like 23 nexus build. Your opponent’s timing will be delayed just like you (or even worse), so just keep following the rest of your build order and you’ll be fine.

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Why are we scouting the cross position first?

  • This build is most effective when it’s close spawn and of course it gets weaker when it’s cross spawn. You can still stick to 2z1g build even when it’s cross spawn but it’s harder to do damage since the window is smaller, so it might be better to switch to 19/21/23 nex build or even 14 nexus as you’re also less likely to get punished for your greedier opening.
  • When you confirm it’s cross spawn, make cyber core instead of zealot at 13/17.
  • Alternatively, you can go something like 14 nex – 15 pylon – 16 core – zealot when the 2nd pylon is done.
  • If it’s NOT cross spawn, stick to the build explained above.

How do I use my zealots? Goons? When can I go ham and when do I need to be careful?

  • The goal of the first zealot and probe is to poke a little and hopefully land some zealot attacks on the first few marines to make your next move more threatening.

    o If there’s an exposed marine, try to land some attacks on it but try not to lose more than your zealot’s shield.

    o If the scv making factory is exposed, it’s a good idea to attack it as long as marines are not in position to protect it. If attacking scv once or twice costs your zealot’s hp, it’s not worth it.

    o If scvs are blocking the zealot, don’t force it too hard. Just walk around a little bit in the base or back off to the nat and regroup with your 2nd zealot.

  • When the 2nd zealot is here, this is when you can actually fore a fight with them.

    o If the opponent is relying on rax – 1 depot sim to defend the zealots, split your zealots and attack from the both sides of the wall. If the opponent set up a good wall with rax and 2 depots (or even the factory sometimes), it

    o First vulture pops out at 3:40. Pay attention to the clock and back off before it’s too late since you don’t want to lose all your zealots to marine/vulture before your goon is here to help.

  • Your 1st goon should arrive at your opponent’s nat at around 3:40, just in time to protect the zealots from the vulture. This is the second window where you can go ham again.

    o When the vulture is out, Terran will probably come down to the nat to make cc. Go in with 2z 1g (and your scout probe too if you didn’t send it back). At this stage, your zealots do way more dps than your goon so your goon have to go in first to tank the first few shots from marine and vulture.

    o Leave the goon do whatever it wants to do. You just need to micro your zealots. Move command or right click next to the marines instead of leaving them on a command. When they are close to the marines, a move or focus a marine. After landing an attack, move again to stay close to the marines and repeat.

    o If the terran player doesn’t know how to fight this, you can wipe out the entire marine/vulture with all your units alive (or you goon at minimum).

  • Kill scvs making bunker or cc before getting into terran’s main. Cut off reinforcement marines whenever you can. If you didn’t screw up your rally point, your 2nd and 3rd goon should’ve arrived as soon as they pop out.

  • Keep making goons from your 1 gate and probe as well (use your hotkey please). All these damages don’t mean much if you’re involuntarily cutting probe production.
  • Be aware of when the tank is out. Your goon range should be done when you have 3 goons at terran’s nat. If you managed to cut off marine reinforcements until this point, you can walk up and snipe the tank with 4 goons because even if terran had a bunker, there would be only 1-2 marines.

Please let me know how many terrans left the game after their units get wiped out by 2z1g. Thanks.