[PvT] 23 Nex - 3 base 1 arbiter 200 bust

Author: DoodleDoodle

This guide will cover the basic build order of 23 nex into 3 base arbiter bust. These days we don't see many Korean ex-pros playing arbiter style PvT anymore, but don't get fooled by the pro meta. Arbiter style is still a viable and popular build among the protoss players all across the skill level (except the very top, top of the ladder). Our fellow Terran players often mock this arbiter bust style as braindead A-move build.. but hey, we'll keep doing this until they get good enough to stop this.

Also, combined with this very standard 23 nex opener, you'll be spending good 5 minutes making probes nonstop and making your buildings on time. Even though this sounds very simple, most of CPL players will struggle keeping up with nonstop worker production required for this build. Not missing your worker cycle is a basic foundation of your macro play and it is a very fundamental skill you need to imrprove as a player and will benefit you when you learn other builds as well.

Early game build order:

  • 8/9 pylon
  • 10/17 gateway
  • 12/17 gas (even though it says 12 gas, it's more like 11.5~11.8 gas. Still, it's okay to make gas at 12 after your probe is out)
  • 13/17 core and send a scout
  • 15/17 pylon
  • 17/25 1st goon
  • 19/25 goon range
  • 21/25 queue 2nd goon and halt probe production
  • 23/25 send a probe to your nat at 300 mineral
  • 23/25 nexus and pylon at natural
  • 23/25 2 probes vs 1 goon depending on what you scouted
  • 25/33 robo. After this point, keep making goon and probes nonstop.
  • 30/33 2nd gateway and send 7-8 probes to the natural
  • 34/42 pylon and observatory
  • 42/50 obs and add a pylon

  • Between 6:00~6:30, take 3rd nexus at around 57 supplies. You should have 8 goons out in total.

  • Continue making probes and goons.
  • When you have 10 goons, pause goon production for a bit. Make Citadel and take 2nd gas.
  • When Citadel is finished, add 2 more Gateways (4 in total), Templar Archive, Forge and Stargate. This should be around 75 suppllies.
  • Now that you have most of your tech buildings, resume goon production off 2 gateways (other 2 gateways should be still warping). Also start clearing off mines near your base, especially your 4th location.
  • Make Arbiter Tribunal when Stargate and Templar Archive are finished and make 1 more round of goons off 4 gateways. You should be around 100 supplies at this point. Stop probe and goon production and add gateways up to 12 (around 9:00).
  • Start Arbiter, Stasis research and Zealot speed. Make a cannon at each mineral line since your goons need to move out shortly.
  • When all the gateways are up, start spamming zealots. You have 12 gateways, so each cycle will require 24 supplies. Everytime you queue a round of zealots, add 3 pylons and repeat this until you're maxed.
  • Keep clearing mines with a group of goons so your zealots can move across the map without any delay.
  • Hotkey all your units before going in. Start 4th nexus and then A move in.

General tips

  1. Make a habit of starting your buildings right on time when you have sufficient mineral. For example, when you make the first pylon, instead of moving your probe after you have 100 mineral, your probe should be moved in advance so you can build it exactly when you have 100 mineral. Making your buildings like clockwork is a big part of the early game optimization.

  2. After you send 3 probes to the gas at 14/17, make sure there is 1 probe per patch.

  3. Your first goon should move out immediately to scout. If it's close spawn, your goon will arrive at opponent's nat before their first vulture leaves the base. Also, you should shove your goon past the bunker a little to confirm the nat cc. If you see the nat cc, you make 2 probes after 23/25 pylon. If not, make 3rd goon instead. You can get away with blind probes if it's cross spawn.

  4. If you confirmed that it's a vulture first build with your 1st goon, leave a goon at your 3rd location to deny spider mines. In general, spider mine research is done around 5:00 mark.

  5. When you transfer probes to the nat, instead of sending them to 1 patch, splitting them properly will give you econ boost faster. If splitting 1 to 1 is too much of apm tax for you, 2 probes per patch should be sufficient.

  6. 5th and 6th goons that pop out a little before 6:00 should remain at your main to defend vulture drops. The next 2 goons will defend your nat. Rest of the goons guard the front. If Terran comes with 3 or 5 tank push, bring all your goons to the nat.

  7. If your 1st obs didn't get into T main, wait for the 2nd obs. Stack them together and shove them in. If you don't wanna do this, see if the nat CC is blinking (making scvs). If T isn't making scvs, anticipate 2 base attack.

  8. Remember that you're gonna be spending 5 minutes making probes nonstop. Using hotkeys or F2-3-4 is a key to not missing your worker cycle. It's also easier to keep up with the cycle when you sync the both nexus (nexi?).

So why 3 base instead of 4?

  • To keep things easier for you ... If you can follow this build without any trouble AND if the opponent isn't going 2 base attack, you can take 4th nexus before adding gateways (Your build path should be the same up until 4 gateways and Arbiter Tribunal).

I poked in with my 1st goon to check CC (between 3:30~3:40), and there was nothing there. What now?

  • If you suspect FD or 2 tank FD, make 3rd goon instead of probes at 23/25.

I poked again with my goon after 4:15 and there's still no CC. What now?

  • Time to make 2 more gateways at 30/33 and pump out goons.

What do I do against 2 base rush (5 fact/ 6 fact)?

  • Stop teching after Citadel and focus on unit production instead.

This is a simple and strong macro build that helps you practice one of the most important aspect of bw: making worker and units without getting supply blocked. I know that this is exactly the kind of advice that people hate to get from their CPL coach, but your ability to do those jobs will get tested. Once you are able to pilot this build well enough, you will blast poor terran players easily until high A rank (It probably works at S rank too but I can't comment about that since I've never been there).